Nature and Wildlife

The River Studio looks out onto one of the last tracts of natural bushland near the city. Over the years, we have planted hundreds of trees across our original, 2.4 hectare block. Much of the wood we burn in our own home has been harvested from this site, working with nature’s cycle of renewal.

You’ll also see some dead trees and hollows that we have left to provide habitat and shelter for possums, birds and insects. (I must say it took me a while to get used to this idea, because I like a thriving, ‘tidy’ look, but once I saw their residents, I quickly got over that!)

We have many different birds living here; honey-eaters, wattle birds, kookaburras and finches to name a few. Tiny pardalotes also love sheltering in our rock walls. Large numbers of black , sulphur-crested cockatoos often land here, feeding on our banksias. Their arrival usually means that the weather is rough on the coast. Occasionally, a brightly coloured rosella parrot flits through the trees. 

For us, though, the most wonderful sight is the wedge-tailed eagles that can be seen frequently gliding the air currents above our property. They are an endangered species in Tasmania, so we feel very privileged to have them here.

We also share our home with possums, wallabies, pademelons and deer. The wallabies are our favourites and they are easily seen around our buildings and in the bush. 

Several years ago, one decided to adopt us. We named her ‘Millie’ and she sits outside our bedroom window most days. In that time, she has had a joey, which we’ve watched grow up and is now pregnant with another. Because she stays so close to the house, we have been able to learn so much about her habits, including her ‘housekeeping’ routines, which involve turning her pouch almost inside out and spending ages licking and cleaning it!


Our Garden


Building a Rammed Earth Wall